The Best Ice Swimming Spots in Helsinki

The Best Ice Swimming Spots in Helsinki

Featured image: Mikko Huotari and Visit Finland In recent years, ice swimming, or winter swimming, has become quite trendy in Finland, with many adults in their twenties and thirties embracing this new hobby to experience its touted health benefits. Ice swimming is now widely associated with Finnish culture, as it demands a considerable amount of … Read more

7 Best Things to Do in Ruotsinpyhtää

Strömforsin Ruukki Finland

Ruotsinpyhtää, a small former municipality 100 kilometers east of Helsinki, is a region steeped in history and natural beauty that is all too often overlooked. A part of Loviisa since 2010, Ruotsinpyhtää is known for its picturesque landscapes and in particular the well-preserved historical Strömfors Ironworks that was founded back in 1695. Featured image by … Read more

Tykkylumi: Fascinating Phenomenon Makes Lapland Look Magical

Tykkylumi Fascinating Phenomenon Makes Lapland Look Magical at Koli National Park by Jussi Helttunen

If you have ever browsed photos of Lapland and seen images with snow-covered trees with heavy, dense snow clinging to branches, resembling a wintry crown, you have witnessed the phenomenon Finns call “tykkylumi” or simply “tykky“. Featured image by Jussi Helttunen and Visit Finland. The English name for the phenomenon that turns beautiful landscapes into … Read more

9 Famous Finnish Proverbs and Their Meaning

9 Famous Finnish Proverbs and Their Meaning

You can learn a lot about Finnish values, humor, and the Finnish worldview from simply studying classic Finnish proverbs. Proverbs often reveal what people cherish, fear, and how life experiences are interpreted. This is also the case with many of the famous Finnish proverbs in this article. For Finnish learners, these nine well-known proverbs are … Read more

10 Finnish Christmas Facts and Figures

Finns are pretty serious about Christmas. After all, even the real and official Santa Claus comes from Finland. In this article, we will reveal 10 intriguing facts and figures about Finnish Christmas, based on fresh statistics compiled by (Statistics Finland). #1 Poinsettia Is The Most Popular Christmas Flower The most popular Christmas flower in … Read more

Why Is Watching TV a Finnish Independence Day Tradition?

Finnish Independence Day Reception

If you visit Finland on December 6th on any given and go out for a walk in the evening after around 8pm, you will notice that the streets will be rather empty. Admittedly, Finnish streets are quite empty on most days but there is a special reason why most people spend their Independence Day evenings … Read more

5 Things Not To Do In Finland That We Learned From TikTok

Things Not To Do In Finland

We know that TikTok gets a lot of bad rep, but honestly the content is not all that bad. Or what do you think about the lessons taught by Felipe Da Silva, an American living in Finland? @itsfelipedasilva If you’re still doing #5 you have no one else to blame but yourself 🥶 In this … Read more

Top 5 Cities to Visit in Finland During the Christmas Season

Old Rauma Christmas Tonttu Vanhassa Raumassa

Featured image is courtesy of Visit Rauma. The magical winter season in Finland has finally arrived and the joy and warmth of Christmas can be already felt in the crispy air. As we venture into this festive time of year, let’s explore five beautiful Finnish cities, each a perfect destination to immerse yourself in the … Read more

10 Things to Do in Santa Claus Village in Winter

Things to Do in Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi in Winter

Going to Finnish Lapland this winter? If you are, then you should probably consider a trip to Santa Claus Village in Rovaniemi. Santa Claus Village has delighted young and old since it opened in 1985 and is an absolute must for Christmas fans who want to meet the real Santa Claus in his natural habitat. … Read more

Pikkujoulu – Celebrating the Start of the Christmas Season in Finland

Pikkujoulu – Celebrating the Start of the Christmas Season in Finland

Pikkujoulu, or ‘Little Christmas,’ is a cherished Finnish tradition marking the onset of the Christmas season. The celebrations begin in early November but the official beginning is the first Sunday of Advent. This period is characterized by festive gatherings that are held in various settings, including workplaces, homes, and public venues like restaurants and hotels. … Read more